 * TemporalClass is what handles the Temporal weapons which erase the target rather than injure it
 * TechnoClass contains two pointers to TemporalClass:
 * TemporalClass *TemporalImUsing;     < the instance the unit uses to fire
 * TemporalClass *TemporalTargetingMe; < the instance that's currently attacking the unit in question

class TemporalClass : public AbstractClass {

  TechnoClass   *OwnerUnit;     // The unit holding this class, like a Chrono Legionnaire
  TechnoClass   *Victim;
  TimerStruct    CreationTimer;
  void          *field_38;      // no idea what this does, possibly unused
  SuperClass    *SourceSW;      // never seen this used either

 * when multiple temporal nodes are attacking one unit, 
 * they are arranged in a double-linked list, 
 * and only the head node of the list actually deals damage, 
 * to do this, it needs to iterate over the whole linked list using these two
  TemporalClass *PrevTemporal;
  TemporalClass *NextTemporal;

// How much "damage" this class still has to deal before the target is erased
  int            WarpRemaining;
  int            WarpPerStep;

// *********************

  constructor TemporalClass(TechnoClass *OwnerUnit);

  destructor  ~TemporalClass(byte x);

 * Determines the amount of damage by frame
  int         GetWarpPerStep(int helperCount);

 * Can the target be warped away at all?
  bool        CanWarpTarget(TechnoClass *target);

 * Fires the beam and starts the warpaway
  void        Fire(TechnoClass *target);

 * Called every frame to update the link's state
  void        Update();

 * Breaks the link between firer and target
  void        LetGo();

 * Breaks the link (bugfix in ::Fire and for housewide destruction only)
  void        Detach();

 * special variant used only when house-wide destruction is forced by Actions 
 *  such as Destroy All (Objects/Buildings/etc) of House
  void        JustLetGo();